Día Mundial de los Derechos del Consumidor 2019: Productos Inteligentes de Confianza

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Acción global para #BetterDigitalWorld

Explore nuestro mapa interactivo para descubrir cómo se celebra el Día Mundial de los Derechos del Consumidor en su región ...

Blog en vivo 


Haga clic en las imágenes o enlaces a continuación para compartir su soporte para la campaña de Productos inteligentes de confianza en Twitter. Elija un problema que le interese y envíe uno de nuestros Tweets previamente rellenados.



Joint Statement: Consumers International calls for COVID-19 response to focus on global consumer protection and empowerment

Consumers International members in 100 countries are calling for a focus on the protection and empowerment of individuals in the marketplace based on consumer rights, and for coordinated strategies across nations and intergovernmental bodies to build fair, safe, resilient and sustainable economies through consumer protection.



Three common misconceptions holding back the fight against plastic pollution

I recently had the privilege of representing Consumers International at the 4th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) - where member states are tasked with a monumental challenge - to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution.


Our Latest Publication

Maximising consumer voices in digital financial services policy-making: Consumer organisations' engagement strategies

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