Making digital marketplaces fairer

Our theme for World Consumer Rights Day 2018 was Making Digital Marketplaces Fairer. 

E-commerce has transformed the way that people shop, giving consumers more choice than ever before. But it has also raised global issues that we can only tackle together. In 2017, global e-commerce sales reached $2.29 trillion, but nearly 70% of consumers worry their digital payments are unsafe. Meanwhile, half the world’s population are still offline.

For World Consumer Rights Day 2018, we called for access to fair and secure internet for all, action against scams and fraud, and better consumer protection online. To find out more about the theme, download our background report on e-commerce

Global action for a #BetterDigitalWorld

This year 135 members in over 90 countries came together to mark World Consumer Rights Day. Explore our interactive map to find out how the day was celebrated in your region. To view our interactive map in Spanish, click here.

Live blog

On March 15 we ran a live blog, sharing videos, images, event updates, blogs and articles from our membership to show how World Consumer Rights Day was celebrated by the global consumer movement. 

Women helping to create a #BetterDigitalWorld

the relationship between consumers and retailers online

today is world consumer rights day


To view our live blog in Spanish, click here.

Our highlights

This World Consumer Rights Day we reached more people in more countries than ever before. Our call for fairer digital marketplaces and a #BetterDigitalWorld reached up to 11.1 million people on Twitter alone!

From taking part in debates and discussions, conducting workshops with school children and speaking on radio and television shows, our members and supporters raised awareness of the need for fairer and more inclusive digital marketplaces globally.

To showcase some of the highlights from day, we’ve created a photo gallery to give you an insight into how the day was celebrated.



Joint Statement: Consumers International calls for COVID-19 response to focus on global consumer protection and empowerment

Consumers International members in 100 countries are calling for a focus on the protection and empowerment of individuals in the marketplace based on consumer rights, and for coordinated strategies across nations and intergovernmental bodies to build fair, safe, resilient and sustainable economies through consumer protection.



Internet freedom in Africa: Taxes, Shutdowns And a need for change

Access to the internet is a powerful tool that should not be taken for granted. More than 4.4 billion users worldwide are now connected, spending a daily average of 6.5 hours online. But whilst reliable internet access is a reality for many consumers across the globe, for billions it is still a distant dream.


Our Latest Publication

Summary of Report: Recommendations for Interoperable & Consumer-Centric Redress in Data Misuse Across Borders: Summary Report

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