Purchasing Powers: Consumers International Series Opener gets the Spotlight

09 September 2024

Since the founding of the consumer movement key trends and global events have shaped the marketplace, the power of the consumer and our growth  

These events have shaped how we – as consumers - purchase, our priorities, and the demands made of us.  

In the past decade alone, the trends have been exceptional. Technological advancement at scale. A global pandemic. Inflation. Global warming.

We have entered a new and dramatic stage of consumption. Last month we released Purchasing Powers – a branded series from Consumers International, produced by BBC StoryWorks. The stories within depict recent power shifts, demands now made on consumers and the organisations supporting consumers to be empowered and to help build a better marketplace  

Today our Series Associated Feature, A voice in the marketplace receives the spotlight. Together with BBC Storyworks and partners we are amplifying the story across our digital platforms 

Narrated by Director General of Consumers International, Helena Leurent this series opener speaks to our vision for the marketplace, the role of our Membersthe leading consumer advocates – who day in day out relentlessly fight for consumers. Importantly, it speaks to the importance of collective responsibility for marketplace change.  

The onus must not be on consumers alone. When government and business collaborate with civil society and build with and for consumers we can ensure appropriate empowerment and protection safeguards to match our new stage of consumption.



The series is also hosted on BBC.com and purchasingpowers.com.

The films were produced by BBC StoryWorks for individual series participants, and together form the series Purchasing Powers, presented by Consumers International. 

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