International action to support the UN recognition of World Consumer Rights Day

14 June 2017

This July, government ministries and consumer protection agencies will have another chance to support Consumers International’s call for the United Nations to recognise World Consumer Rights Day as an official UN international day.

Last year our proposal received fantastic support from around the world and it was agreed that further consultations would be held with stakeholders.

Why are we calling for UN recognition?

Raising awareness of consumer rights amongst consumers, businesses and governments is an important step in strengthening consumer protection and realising consumers’ rights.

We believe that UN recognition of World Consumer Rights Day can play a crucial part in placing consumer rights on the agenda of more organisations, governments, companies and media outlets. It can help us to raise awareness by engaging more people, more organisations and more countries.

Securing UN recognition will also help Consumers International and our global members to continue their support for the implementation of the newly revised UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection.

What can you do?

Consumers International is asking all our members and supporters to write to their Minister responsible for consumer protection or the Head of their national consumer protection agency to ask them to support this proposal at the meeting of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Consumer Protection Law and Policy taking place in July 2017 in Geneva.  

If you are a Consumers International member and would like to support our call, please get in touch with your Regional Networker or contact our global office