
We can provide expert comments on international consumer issues and have up to the minute research and statistics on key consumer issues. See below for links to the issues we work on, and our latest news releases. 


If you have a media inquiry, we’d be happy to help, either directly or by putting you in touch with one of our member organisation based throughout the globe. To speak to us about the story you are working on, please get in touch with the staff in our communications department:

Main point of contact: Charlotte Broyd, Head of Communications and Membership at


The Consumer Voice at Davos 2025: Where are Consumer Rights in the Intelligent Age?

At Davos 2025, Consumers International addresses consumer rights in the Intelligent Age. From digital finance to clean energy transitions, we're advocating for fair, sustainable, and inclusive solutions that put consumers first.



Three things we've learned about building a consumer-first marketplace in digital financial services

From online banking to Buy Now, Pay Later, digital financial services (DFS) have opened up a new world of opportunity for consumers. However, as the delivery of financial services for consumers is digitised, the urgency to close the digital gap becomes greater, as does the need to address mounting issues such as protecting consumer privacy and safeguarding data.


Our Latest Publication

Summary of Report: Recommendations for Interoperable & Consumer-Centric Redress in Data Misuse Across Borders: Summary Report

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