One of the ways we support our Members is through grants which support the generation of unique insights, policy change and which drive innovation, fill gaps in research, and reach the last mile consumers.

Fair Digital Finance Accelerator

In 2022 we launched the Fair Digital Finance Accelerator which brings together consumer advocates from over 60 countries and counting to build bridges with regulators, government and businesses to safeguard consumers from harm in the finance sector. Through the programme, Consumers International offers Members access to training, grants to support innovation and insight generation, and a global network of financial service consumer advocates and experts. To date, we have supported 19 sub-grants across our Members, awarded to support innovative and impact-driven initiatives.   The grants component helps Members amplify consumer concerns in local and national discussions, generate unique insights, broaden the reach of their advocacy activities, and deliver innovative programmes which support vulnerable and underserved communities. Read more.

Green Action Fund

The Green Action Fund is an annual grant scheme that aims to promote sustainable development and reduce poverty by promoting worldwide awareness and advocacy activities that encourage sustainable patterns of consumption. The Fund is the funding element of Green Action Week (GAW), an annual global campaign running in the first week of October, to promote sustainable consumption. The fund is made available by our partner the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) and is administered by Consumers International, with materials, research, policy support, and joint-campaign communications being provided. It helps Members join a global network of like-minded organisations campaigning for a greener, more sustainable world and amplify their advocacy message for more equal and sustainable access to goods and services for the benefit of people and the planet. Meet the 2024 grantees here and find out how you can join in supporting the campaign

Anne Fransen Fund

The Anne Fransen Fund aims to promote and support the growth of consumer organisations in developing countries. It was founded in 1988 following the death in 1981 of Anne Fransen, the first director of Consumers International member organisation, Consumentenbond. The Fund’s mission is to advance the position of consumers in developing economies through building consumer organisations and funding campaigning projects. Each year, grants are awarded to Consumers International members to carry out projects linked to one of the eight basic consumer rights. Read more.