Consumer Protection Association
We are the Consumer Protection Association in Kuwait. Established by a ministerial decree from the Minister of Commerce and Industry and the Minister of State for Economic Affairs number 45 for the year 2020, and decision number 16/A for the year 2021 to complete the declaration procedures from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Community Development.
The Consumer Protection Association undertakes the defence of consumer interests, and in doing so exercises the following powers:
- Directing or intervening in the lawsuit related to consumer interests.
- Educating consumers about their rights through issuing publications, holding seminars and cooperating with various advertising media.
- Conducting surveys and comparing prices and quality of products, ensuring the accuracy of related data that defines their content, and notifying the concerned authorities about violations in this regard.
- Providing information to the competent government authorities about problems related to consumers' rights and interests and submitting suggestions to address them.
- Receiving consumer complaints, ensuring their seriousness, elevating them to the competent authorities, and following them up until their causes are removed.
- Assisting consumers who have been harmed as a result of using or purchasing a commodity or receiving a service in submitting complaints to the competent authorities, including the National Committee for Consumer Protection, and taking legal actions to protect the rights and interests of consumers.
The most important roles and programs represented in the association:
- Board of Directors
- Information Systems and Technical Support Department
- Legal Affairs
- Photography department news bulletins, and social media programs.
- An informational and awareness campagin.
Joining date
Operational Languages