Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs (BEUC)
European Consumer Organisation
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs (BEUC) was created on 6 March 1962 by the consumer organisations of Belgium, Luxembourg, France, the Netherlands, Italy and Germany. It is based in Brussels, right at the heart of Europe and was set up to influence directly European decision-making to promote the development of a Single Market that truly works in the interests of consumers.
Today BEUC represents more than 40 independent consumer organisations from over 30 European countries. It is fortunate to benefit directly from their experience and day-to-day contact with consumers at grass roots level. BEUC works on a broad range of EU policy areas such as digital, health, sustainability, energy and financial services. It receives funding from its members in addition to a grant from the European Union.
+32 2 743 15 90