Sandra Molenaar is the CEO of Consumentenbond. Sandra studied Economics and Psychology, a perfect basis for the various marketing jobs she had. Her experience with associations and interest groups is extensive, amongst which as Marketing Director at the Dutch roadside assistance club, ANWB, and as COO at BOVAG, the Dutch trade association for retail in the mobility industry. She serves also as board member of the Anne Fransen Fund. The aim of this foundation is to promote and support (starting) consumer organisations in developing countries and Eastern Europe.
Consumentenbond was founded in 1953 and serves some half-million members in the Netherlands. All its activities are aimed at strengthening the position of consumers and empowering them to make informed choices. We publish a wide range of magazines, books, and have the largest subscribers website in the Netherlands. Also social media are increasingly important for a continuous dialogue with consumers. Next to comparative tests we offer switch services, financial advantages and personal service and advice to both members and non members. We put a lot of effort in campaigning for consumer rights, both in the Netherlands as internationally. Currently our main campaigns are on financial services, healthcare, food and free internet and digital safety.
+31 70 445 4545