Crucially, we also called for a new process to be established to monitor and support the future implementation of the Guidelines. This was realised when an Intergovernmental Group of Experts (IGE) on consumer protection law and policy was established to monitor the implementation of the Guidelines and serve as a forum for exchange. This group will play a crucial role in translating the Guidelines from high level principles to real-world action. Consumers International has an observer role at the IGE.
When the final revision of the Guidelines was adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 2015, it included more than 90% of our original recommendations. This was a historic moment, as it marked the first comprehensive revision of the UNGCP since 1985, recognising access to basic goods and services, and the protection of vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers as new consumer legitimate needs.
We're now working with our members to develop international and national initiatives that use the momentum created by this revision process to strengthen consumer protection around the world.